This band is from Birmingham, Alabama (i think i've mentioned that before). That's how Dusty and I know them. Not only are they really cool guys, but they are also super talented musicians! I have loved them since I heard them play in a warehouse in Birmingham (back when they were Old American Dream) and now they've been on David Letterman! We've seen them play three times in L.A. since we moved out here, and every time, their lyrics haunt me and their sound inspires me! They are living their dream and that makes me so jealous but so happy for them at the same time. So anyway, security at the House of Blues was tighter than at any other concert i've been to. It was stupid. I had to check my camera in at the giftshop, pay 3 bucks, and could not pick it up until i was leaving the place. Stupid. Preston even got us backstage passes and so i told one of the MANY guards that was standing around that I had a Backstage pass and I was going to need my camera... he still said no. stupid. All that to say, the only mode of photography that we had was Dusty's iPhone... which has no flash... so the pics are crap.

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